Monday, March 30, 2009


God damn i cant wait for this show.


  1. oh the background was a colab between henry and me... and any feedback would be great.. i can change up anything.. font colors placement lemme know

  2. hahaha thats the logo they gave to us.
    thats the only part i cant legally change. hahah

  3. holy shit!!!!! im smiling so big... im so excited... can someone pick me up from the airport 1pm on the 10th please please please?

    i am getting into bradely, which is close to the school...

  4. As I said to guys have outdone yourselves. That is a serious fucking poster. If Ali's manager doesn't approve this, then I'm not sure exactly what he's looking for. Can't wait for the show.

  5. And yeah, it will probably be tough for me to pick you up then Jesse because I have class then...but either someone else can come down early and do it or I can get a friend to do it maybe. We'll talk.

  6. DAMNN, That looks Terrific. Really happy on how this turned out. Great Job with those finishing touches.

  7. Jess I can pick you up on the 10th. Bradley is the airport everyone here flies in an out of, its 45 min away. That would be fucking sweet, then we could chill here friday night or go to wesleyan early.

  8. i was thinking today.... maybe we could all get there a lil early to chill. but thanks jake.. that is awesome

  9. like a day early or a couple hours early?

  10. And his name is not one fucking word. all they need to do is drop the ali down a little to distinguish it.

  11. See, that logo is the Brother Ali logo from the t-shirt that I have, and in the t-shirt the two words are together like that but the "Brother" is blue" so it distinguishes it as two separate words. The way they sent it to Amanda, it was just one color, so Matt put it as one color.

  12. i hope you poster the shit out of wesleyan and the surrounding community and post it in the newspapers and shit... pop it off pal. good work.

    josh- i was going through my itunes and i found some of those old freestyle batttles u had with mark... haha, youve come so far. but your still the same goofball.

  13. Matt you should change the logo. The Ali gets lost.

  14. My man, we can't change it. That logo was one of two approved pictures I was sent that could/should be used for this flyer. Unless he just changes the color of the "Ali", he can't change it.

  15. i could change darken the gold behind the "RA" if that would help read it... but i think josh already sent it in..

  16. ya not change the logo, adjust the contrast or color of that part. doesnt matter. sick either way. just caught my eye

  17. Yeah, if they approve it then I'm sure they won't care if the contrast is adjusted behind the word or whatever.

  18. this flyer is, as they say these days,


    Gimme mo a dat fiya, jah mon. Peace and love.

  19. ^ Hahaaaa. Mike Rosen up in this bitch.

    If Amanda doesn't get an email back from Ali's people confirming this flyer by tomorrow, we may just put it up anyway because we need to start advertising.
