Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Album Drops 9/25, First Show 10/2

Hey, just wanted to let yall know (in case you didn't already) that Of Mics And Men officially drops this weekend.  I will post a link as soon as the Bandcamp page is up.  Also, the first WordSmith & The Concert G's show of this year will be happening on Saturday, October 2nd at 200 Church...it's sort of a mid-sized venue on this campus.  Bigger than a house party, smaller than Psi U or something like that.  That's not this Saturday but the next one.  Let me know by the week of if any of yall are gonna come visit for that so I know what to expect.  This week is crazy for me because of the release, but really exciting.  Hope all of you are doing well.


1 comment:

  1. the next one gets printed and pressed on me.
