Monday, June 8, 2009

Grand Finale

I'm on a roll, let's keep this going. I got this album, Finale's A Pipe Dream and a Promise a while ago but I didn't give it a true listen until today. This kid Finale is a serious emcee, and he worked with some great producers (many from his native Detroit) on this one to really create something tight. The track below is produced by Dimlite, who I have never even heard of, and has a vibe that just feels at once unique and familiar to me in a really dope way. I need to get some beats like this...I could write to that for days. Plus Whipper Whip's interlude at the end is gangster.

Finale - Issues

This second track is a nice homage to the late great Jay Dilla, and is produced by Flying Lotus, in my opinion one of the best Dilla-influenced producers working today. The boy FlyLo is definitely helping to carry on Dilla's musical legacy by mixing those influences with something of his own to create really interesting material. Finale does a great job lyrically here as well. Peep game:

Finale - Paid Homage (R.I.P. Jay Dilla)

(Props to The Full Clip for originally putting me on to this album.)


  1. BTW, a few responses to these would be cool. Even just an "I'm feelin this" or "I don't really like this so much" so I can start to get a feel on what kind of songs to post here for you guys and what not to post.

  2. even dopeER.

    Why havent we heard of this dude before..?
    your slacking smith. hah

  3. Ha, I told you dude, I hadn't listened to the album until yesterday. Got some new shit coming later today.
